ER potential and Ca release

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Mon Nov 23 18:20:56 EST 1998

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:

> There're other things that are of Great-Importance... for instance, I've had
> to =Deal= with the fact that some folks have been ripping-off the
> understanding so as to seek "profit"... I've nothing against "profit", per se
> (except that I See with my own eyes that seeking "profit" is a
> real-Mind-Killer), but it's flat-out Unacceptable that folks'd "seek 'profit'"
> while Withholding the Understanding from the Children and those who
> Suffer-Greatly.

...and such, done Knowingly, Constitutes Consequential-Stuff, including Murder. I
don't expect "folks" who'd Do such to =ever= Acknowledge Truth... they "live" only
to Deceive... in the name of their "god", "profit".

> And some of what I do is because I've seen how "frightened" some folks are
> with respect to the Understanding I've brought before them... I Guard Free
> Will by providing fo[lks] who "need" such ready "excuses" for their not having
> dealt with this Science. Why? Because I Know they'll have Sorrow when the
> Science finally comes forward... and I want them to be at Peace. (Im Aware
> that all of this must seem "strange", but it's =Necessary=. The work redefines
> what it is to be Human... and I don't want anyone to feel that they're not
> Welcome within what will be... what is =already= beginning.

But the "Excuses" will be of =No= use to "folks" who've had Full-Enough
Knowledge... and there's going to be a =Hard= Time "in-between" ("Inversion", AoK,
Ap4, Ap8) ...it's all an =Extremely-Consequential= Circumstance. K. P. Collins

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