Yale University-Post-doctoral position available

Gabriel Haddad gabriel.haddad at yale.edu
Mon Nov 23 10:09:24 EST 1998

Postdoctoral Fellow position available-Yale University

 A postdoctoral position is immediately available in the Division of
Respiratory Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, to study the molecular
and cellular mechanisms of neuronal and glial  injury and adaptation
during hypoxia using molecular and transgenic techniques. Experience in
cell/molecular biology with neuroscience background  is desirable.
Stipend commensurate with relevent training and experience. Send a CV,
summary of research experience and three letters of reference to Dr.
Ying Xia, Yale University School of Medicine, Division Of Respiratory
Medicine, Department Of  Pediatrics, P.O. Box 208064, 333 Cedar Street,
New Haven, CT 06520. Fax. 203-785-6337. E-mail: ying.xia at yale.edu. Yale
University is committed to employment equity and encourages application
from all qualified individuals.

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