dear sir, my name is Nevio I am 35 y.o. man from north Italy and I am semi
paralyzed at the left side of the body for an angioma (I don't know the
exactly term in English language) and four years ago I have a radio-surgery
stereotassic treatment for this angioma at the right side of the brain.
one year exactly later begin the emiparesys and I have lost the left field
of vision.
I do not need of wheel chair and I am independent but my life is a
hell .....
actually I am in therapy whit TEGRETOL(a drug for epilepsy).I have read a
news from CNN health site (look at
this talk of a r therapy for the brain cells damage.
is this therapy right for me?
where and when this will are in the realty?
can somebody help me?
please help me!