>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ray Scanlon <rscanlon at wsg.net>
>To: neur-sci at net.bio.net <neur-sci at net.bio.net>
>Date: Sunday, November 22, 1998 9:06 PM
>Subject: the neural net and artificial intelligence
>A thinking machine will not be built for reasons of cost.
It is actually very cheap. 15 million for the first one.
> We can examine the
>human neural net. An explanation of how the neural net works will serve as a
>design for a thinking machine, a design not to be implemented.
In a way you are correct, harmonic memory like a song.
>We see no place for the predicate calculus or Turing machines.
Wrong it will approach a unity of zero made of + 1/2 and - 1/2. This is
calculus or goodness of fit.
> The various
>approaches of artificial intelligence have stalled, connectionism is lost in
>pattern recognition.
Wrong. All the necessary work has been accomplished and builds on the
efforts of all that has gone before but in a strange novel way.
> It is the wiring of the neural net that holds promise.
Wrong, but the principles will live on in correlational oppositional ratio
enhanced calculations.
>A natural fallout from neural net explanation and design will be a
>demonstration that consciousness is not needed in a material universe.
Uncertain at this moment, but I would suspect that consciousness is very
> This
>makes cognitive science moot.
Not really, it has been confirmed.
Ron Blue