ER potential and Ca release

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Sun Nov 22 19:41:09 EST 1998

Only to the degree that there are published experimental results... I've
no Lab... but if there are published experimental results, then all
=aynyone= needs is the Will to Learn, and cross-correlate there stuff.

In my work in Physics, "Tapered Harmony", I've been able to get a handle
on the general, ionic/molecular case... details are "just" more of the

I don't want to be anyone's "slave", though.

BTW, what's the purpose in a response such as yours? Do you see me as
your "lab rat"? K. P. Collins

Walter Eric Johnson wrote:

> kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> : Do you want me to research this for you? ken collins
> Do you think you're capable?
> Eric Johnson

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