non contact heartrate aquisition

Didier A. Depireux didier at Glue.umd.edu
Wed Nov 18 12:02:37 EST 1998

no-spam at mjk.com wrote:
: How can I aquire a person's heartrate without a contact device?

In high school, I built a little device... You put your finger in it, there
was an LED shining bright red light on your finger from above, and the
photo-diode on the underside of your finger gave a signal that was
modulated by the heart pulsating through the finger (given the right
filters). Strictly speaking, you didn't have to touch anything, you just had
to be close enough to the light source (in my days, you couldn't just buy a
laser pointer...), and to the diode.

These were the days!

Didier A Depireux                              didier at isr.umd.edu
Neural Systems Lab                 http://www.isr.umd.edu/~didier
Institute for Systems Research          Phone: 301-405-6557 (off)
University of Maryland                                -6596 (lab)
College Park MD 20742 USA                     Fax: 1-301-314-9920

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