F. Frank LeFever <flefever at ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> First, a general observation: we have often seen (in this newsgroup)
> people who know a little bit about something (often scattered and
> poorly-undertood terms and facts) assume that others know even less,
> adolescent "big insights" proclaimed naively (to others who had and
> worked through such "insights" long ago) as if it were a private
> revelation, etc., etc.
First, it was nice to meet you at the Neuroscience meeting in L.A.
One does not always meet the people in person that one has discussed
with on the net, and we had a nice talk about real (Westie) science
It is certainly true that in my about 35 years in neuroscience I have
never had as great revelations (subjectively) as when I as a young
student misused the nitrous oxide (no, boys, not nitric oxide) supply in
the lab to get revelations and insight. Oh, howe I understood God and the
world and felt myself like the Messiah whose task it would be to tell
His truth to everybody around. (Bad metallic taste in the mouth
afterwards, though!)
Real life has been considerably different, although I nowadays
appreciate the smaller pieces of understanding much more than the
pseudohallucinatory insights of long ago..
Dag Stenberg
Dag Stenberg MD PhD stenberg at cc.helsinki.fi
Institute of Biomedicine tel: (int.+)358-9-1918532
Department of Physiology fax: (int.+)358-9-1918681
P.O.Box 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 20 J)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland