Neurobiology postdoc

Michael C. Andresen andresen at ohsu.edu
Tue Nov 17 12:44:55 EST 1998

Brain slice electrophysiologist

Post-doctoral position(s) available immediately to study the
neurobiology of brainstem sensory integration at the nucleus tractus
solitarius (NTS).  Projects include electrophysiological studies of
glutamatergic and peptidergic synaptic transmission in NTS slices,
anesthetic actions on NTS synaptic integration, and the role of
myelinated and unmyelinated baroreceptor inputs to baroreflex
performance.  Techniques include patch clamp in visualized NTS slices,
fluorescent anatomical tracing, and in-vivo reflex studies.
Electrophysiological experience helpful, but not required.  Web-site:

Send CV, references, and letter of interest to:

Dr. Michael C. Andresen
Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology, L334
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road
Oregon Health Sciences University
Portland, OR 97201-3098

Voice: (503) 494-5831  FAX (503) 494-4352  Email: andresen at ohsu.edu

Oregon Health Sciences University is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section

504/ADA/ADEA employer.

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