A putried yet potent alternative terminology

Sir Knowitall spamdecoy.only.real.address.is.fellin at one.net.au
Tue Nov 17 08:01:26 EST 1998

A lot of people have been in the plenty of SSHITS (see below) and are now
projecting the "Conditioned-in aftermath" of these their own personally
lived life-Situations; i.e., the normal result is that very many people has
subsequently become more or less chronically insidiously and significantly
co-motivated by CKHHURSEES (see below) in their brains. We therefore very
often tend to be motivated and behave not in mysterious ways but in AEVASIVE
ways (see below). But in the case of some people their "AEVASIVEness" is
rather void of humour and are lacking the skill of -- and so should train
themselves to aquire --  some loosely lingual "fuzzsilly logical" thinking).

Yes, the World does in many ways "stink", so it is no more than appropriate
that you learn how to turn your science-factual knowledge and academic
reasoning into a most profound, potent, and reliable, insightfulness by help
of just a little puerile toilet humour.

SSHITS=Quite easily specifiable, thus
"Specific", and often highly "Selective" [i.e. neuroPSYCHOphysiologically,
but also "naturally selective" in the phylogeny of animals - most notably in
our own], "**Hibernation**
Situations (life-situations)

"CKHHURSEES" stands for --

Kept Hibernated (blocked or "gated" by opioid-secreting "SSHITS-detecting"
interneurons most generally classifiable as belonging to quickly responding
and rapidly output-transmitting "specific" type neurons)
Hence Unconsciously Remembered Stressors
Effecting (A)EVASIVE Symptoms.

AEVASIVE stands for --

"Ambi-advantageously Evolved
 [implies *ditto* adaptations that were naturally "pruned in" because SSHITS
(a subtype of Adversity-type selective pressures) often overlap (in
life-Situational/biosperical space and time) with Opportunity type selective

Vital (rather so, because SSHITS occurs quite frequently)

"Actention" (activity + attention)

System [includes both "specific" type neurons and "Reticular Activating
Type" (RAT) neurons; the latter energises basic vital processes as well as
our every "focuse of actention" i.e., i.o.w., all kinds of preoccupations or
behaviour and "consciousness" at every level]


Various Endorphins (e.g. beta-endorphin, encephalin, dynorphin, etc)

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