[Subject changed... was formerly "Re. Hear radar waves"]
kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> Teodorico wrote:
>> [long quote from a prior post of ken collins deleted]
>> > I think we should make a clear difference between two types of
> > "intelligence" subjects: the "slaves" and the commanders. In the first group
> > they're mostly brainwashed and programmed, many of them through induced
> > long-term traumatic experiences since childhood. By the contrary, the
> > commanders are perfectly aware of their criminal acts and executive orders;
>> Their "awareness" is Dictated to them by the "Beast", and is not "Awareness",
> but Blind Automation... they, literally, "Know not what they do"... being on
> "auto-pilot", it's impossible for them to Know =anything=.
This's a Difficult, "point", no? I mean, look at all the "modern advances" that
folks've achieved... these must be something, no? ...else why would there be all
those "awards" that're given out to Honor such Achievment?
How, then, can it be said that folks who've so Achieved are "Blind"?
It's a matter of "scope"... the easiest way to See the point I've raised is to
consider the Savagery that's wreaked havoc among Humans since the Beginning. If
folks Choose to "Achieve" while allowing the Savagery to go unaddressed, it's easy
to See that folks having chosen to "Achieve", rather than address the Savagery, must
be Blind to the Savagery.
But some Achievements do, at least, seem to address some of "The Savagery"... the
Polio, and other, vaccines, the current HIV work, etc. ...pretty-much all of
Medicine, no?
It's a "trick" question... check it out... none of these Worthy Achievements has
ever touched the root-Cause of "man's inHumanity to man", which is, "simply",
Ignorance-of-the-way-our-Nervous-Systems-Process-Information Perpetuated.
And it's in the way that this Perpetuation of the Ignorance that Slaughters has been
Blindly-Automated that folks've been Demonstrably, well, =Blind=... because the
Ignorance is =Easy= to remove... all that's necessary is to Understand how our
nervous systems process information... everything necessary has been in AoK, and the
refs cited in AoK for decades.
Anyone disagree?
No one can... folks' Agreement is written, in black and white, in the Public Record,
after all... there can be no more reliance upon "Feigning" Ignorance in order to
maintain one's Embrace with Ignorance... folks can =try=, but all the "success" that
can be "achieved" is in "just" the ever-increasing Confession being duely-Recorded
in the Public Record.
That such continues, still, is how I know that folks're still Blind... in the Grasp
of the "Beast", Ignorance... else folks'd not continue on in attempts to feign
Ignorance despite my "standing-on-my-head-and-spitting-wooden-nickels" attempts to
=gently= Admonish folks that Truth is Merciless.
> > I mean that free will is compatible with wickedness when belonging to
> > pre-humanity. When you truthfully say that prejudice toward the the familiar
> > has been the main driving force in all of known historical events against
> > humanity, a difference has to be made again between the majorities of
> > populations who blindly believed in the acquired perverted vital
> > coordinates, and those few who inculcated them in order to utilize that
> > people for their own particular profits --adding at the end of the
> > decognizant process a speech of fervent "patrioterism".
>> No, such distinction cannot be made... it's an either/or thing... either the
> "Beast", Ignorance, "reigns", or Understanding Reigns... as Jesus Taught, "one
> cannot serve two masters"... it's Why Christ so-Emphasized =Forgiveness=
> ...Absence of Forgiveness =Dictates= ...Absence of Forgiveness is of the Beast
> ...I've addressed the =only= Exception of which I'm aware... when there's an
> Oath between individuals and God... with respect to such, Forgiveness is "just"
> not Possible, because Forgiveness is =of= God, and one cannot do anything that
> is of God which would, simultaneously, contradict the former thing... the
> Oath... which is al[so] of God... that's the =only= Exception of which I'm
> aware... in all other things, Forgiveness =must= be maintained, lest the Door to
> what =Can= be be slammed shut... I'm not saying that it's "easy"... Forgiveness
> is not for the "faint-'Hearted'"... look at St. Stephen, the first Martyr in
> Christianity... being stoned to death, with Saul, whatching the cloaks, Stephen,
> Prayed for those who were killing him... Forgiveness is "just" that Serious...
> just look at Saul Becoming Paul, and Know that Stephen's Forgiveness is
> In-There.[Teodorico's refs snipped]
Forgiveness is not for the Faint-"Hearted"... what does =that= mean?
It has to do with the fact that there Exists no "way-around" Truth... Truth =Is=...
nothing else Exists.
What does =that= mean?
View thing from the perspective of what's described by 2nd Thermo (wdb2t)... any
divergence from Truth requires proportionately-more Physically-Real Work than does
Acknowledging Truth, and Acting upon it. And since, the more Work that's done, the
more energy goes to Waste, in accord with wdb2t... it's Easy to See where such
leads... such leads, eventually, to the Inability to Accomplish =anything=... it
leads to the "point" at which all possible energy expenditure is consumed in "just"
"maintaining" the "Absence" of Truth... which is an inverted (AoK, Ap4)
"oxymoron"... "Absence" of Truth Defines Truth, negatively... and there Truth is...
Merciless... sucking the Life out of those who deem to "move away from" it.
And so it is that it's "just" not Possible to "separate" Forgiveness from Truth...
Forgiveness cannot even begin to happen in the "Absence" of Truth. In the "Absence"
of Truth, "just" the opposite of Truth Happens.
We've Witnessed such in "Yugoslavia", Northern Ireland, South Africa, the Middle
East, in the World Wars... =everywhere= throughout the course of History...
...yet, almost everyone "moves away from" all such Tragedy... where has
"Achievement" been with respect to such? ...it's been Stolen from Humanity by the
"Beast" which Lives in our Human flesh... the only haphazardly-accumulated notions
of what constitutes "human nature", which Exists as Learned Ignorance that's
Physically-Encoded within the microscopic trophic modifications that encode all
Learning that occurs within our nervous systems.
All one needs to Understand all of this is in AoK, and the refs cited in AoK.
So, we all Understand what's going on, right?
Then why not get on with such?
Be-Cause, all that Ignorance =Exists=, Physically-Real, =in= the flesh of nervous
systems... and as a result, nervous systems cannot even think Understanding's
Thought... isn't it so?
But Teodorico's point was Well-Taken... what about the folks who've Understood, but
who've Chosen to seek "profits" (which, of course, includes resistance to losing
"profits" because they're "threatened" by those who seek "profits... you know, the
old-long-since stuff... "if you say =that= you'll lose your funding"... "never mind"
that the grand money comes right out of the Taxpayers' pockets... it's
Savagely-"Hillarious"... take money that folks could've used to Lift-Up their
Children in order to Withhold the Understanding from folks that, having the
Understanding, would Lift-Up their Children), rather than to allow the Understanding
that can Lift-Up Humanity out of its Tragically-Recurring Savagery?
Well, this's where Truth Asserts itself, Mercilessly.
The Understanding, "Withheld", perpetuates the Ignorance which Ravages.
It's True.
So where's room for Forgiveness?
The "story" of the Treachery is Truth upon which Understanding depends, isn't it?
All that can be Hoped for is that the Spirit of Forgiveness will Reign as Truth
unfolds, as Truth can =only= do.
But Look-and-See... Forgiveness is Of Christ... The Christ which "science" would
"Bannish"... and it's with Awe-Filled-Sorrow that I See, Clearly, that in so
"bannishing" Christ, "science" has "sown the seeds of its own destruction" (Abraham
...and written its Confession, in Black and White, right in the Public Record.
What =Will= Unfold will be Savage to degree that Truth remains "Bannished".
"It's your nickel"... you can Invest it, or let it go to Waste, as you continue to
try to prop-up your Lying "Bannishment" of Jesus from folks' Lives... and from the
Lives of our Children.
It's so Sorrowfully-"Humorous"... =Everything= Stands =Proven=... "denying" such
=only= writes, in negative-image, an ever-greater Confession, in black and white,
right in the Public Record... "'science' forsakes Science" ("'science' forsakes
Truth"... see why I must use quotes around "science"? How can =Science= forsake
Truth? It =cannot=... if Science forsakes Truth, Science Ceases its Existence... it
commits Suicide, by "virtue" of Choosing not to Be.)
You see, Forgiveness is Possible, but =only= where Truth is Embraced... it's Truth
that Enables Forgiveness, isn't it?
It's all "simple" Thermodynamics, of which, Jaw-Hangingly, Jesus was Verifiably
Aware 2000 years ago... the same Jesus that "science" would "Bannish" is the only
Hope of Science and the "profit"-seekers, isn't it so?
K. P. Collins