request good review article (ECT)

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Mon Nov 16 22:07:03 EST 1998

"Good"-Grief, Frank, you "embarrass" me :-)

F. Frank LeFever wrote:

> Again, kkollins pontificates from his position of authority based on no
> more than popular fiction (e.g. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest).  Is
> your response a joke or are you really ignorant of the practice of
> unilateral ECT?

Without Physically-separating the hemispheres, there's nothing "unilateral"
that occurs in the nervous system... yes, one can try to "steer" such, but
what do you think the cortical targets of the commisural fibers do?

>  If the latter, wouldn't it be better to listen/read
> and learn?

Get thee before a mirror :-)

> Far from being analoguous to pummeling (with implications
> of physical abuse and pain), it is nowadays undertaken with muscle
> relaxants (to avoid injury during seizure) and sedatives (to minimize
> anxiety).

Yeah, "nowadays", they knock you out =first=, then abuse you... there're
Laws against such... it's a pity "science" is "two" Blind to See its own
"face" mirrored in those Laws.

> The relevant mechanism of recovery has something to do with changes in
> brain physiology, not "distraction"--

You're "goofin' on me", right?

If you're not, then please tell me where it is, and by what mechanism,
Awareness happens... "duh"... it happens in the brain... and when the brain
is Assaulted via applied EMF, the brain's functionality is
severely-detuned... so is Awareness... I went over "depression" first-thing
when I came back on-board this Newsgroup, didn't I?

"Depression" is an engineered-in, fully-functional mechanism upon which
Survival depends.

> still less, "punishment" as those
> who ignorantly think of it as a "cattle-prod" procedure applied to the
> head might assert.

It's hardly distinguishable from a "cattle-prod to the head"... and just
about as "effective" :-)

> I can only hope your unfounded

The above is Libel... all my work is thoroughly-Verified (Frankly, Frank,
so far, it seems you're far-"better" at Libel than you are at

> but confident assertions do not
> discourage someone from taking advantage of a therapy which DOES work
> for many depressives who still suffer and do not respond well to any
> medication.

I will =Gladly= give them the Understanding that can Lift them Up out of
their Sorrow... if Neuroscience ever desides to stop Withholding the
Understanding from them.

> Your lack of intellectual honesty and humility is especially immoral in
> these life and death matters. (Yes, life and death; ever hear of
> depressed patients committing suicide?)

Get thee before a mirror.

> Your putting "depression" in quotes suggests you do not take it
> seriously as a medical condition--"everybody feels bad sometimes; why
> don't they just pull themselves together? get a hobby or something to
> distract thenmselves".  Is that your level of understanding? That is
> disgusting.

I'll tell you what's disgusting, Mr. Frank, Ignorance "in high-places". K.
P. Collins

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