First of all, I'd like to say that this is going to be the last article I
post in these newsgroups, excepting... (loud hulabaloo-smoky
fireworks-confetti all over the place) ...excepting, perhaps, some
eventuality. This month is decisive and we have much work to do, still.
Thank you.
kkollins at escribió en mensaje
<364F9A66.78405929 at>...
>Teodorico wrote:
>>[long quote from a prior post of ken collins deleted]
>>> I think we should make a clear difference between two types of
>> "intelligence" subjects: the "slaves" and the commanders. In the first
>> they're mostly brainwashed and programmed, many of them through induced
>> long-term traumatic experiences since childhood. By the contrary, the
>> commanders are perfectly aware of their criminal acts and executive
>>Their "awareness" is Dictated to them by the "Beast", and is not
>but Blind Automation... they, literally, "Know not what they do"... being
>"auto-pilot", it's impossible for them to Know =anything=.
I'll try to be as brief and explicit as possible, given my poor English...
The beast (inner structure of the power system) has been annihilated by
1995. Its pupils (the "commanders") remain fighting desperately a combat
written as lost since the beginning of time (temporal testing space,
measurable inside the infinity of God). Don't tell me that a 33rd degree
mason at the Pentagon doesn't know what he does, because it would be absurd.
Do you know, for instance, who really planned and sponsored the jewish
holocaust executed by Hitler, and why? Think about the innocent's slaughter
perpetrated by Herodes 2000 years ago.
>> I mean that free will is compatible with wickedness when belonging to
>> pre-humanity. When you truthfully say that prejudice toward the the
>> has been the main driving force in all of known historical events against
>> humanity, a difference has to be made again between the majorities of
>> populations who blindly believed in the acquired perverted vital
>> coordinates, and those few who inculcated them in order to utilize that
>> people for their own particular profits --adding at the end of the
>> decognizant process a speech of fervent "patrioterism".
>>No, such distinction cannot be made... it's an either/or thing... either
>"Beast", Ignorance, "reigns", or Understanding Reigns... as Jesus Taught,
>cannot serve two masters"...
It can be made, indeed! Jesus said "one cannot serve two masters" alluding
to God as the only Master. Given the fact that these subjects (the
"commanders") consider themselves as gods, they can sink the masses in
ignorance while putting understanding far away in a conscious mode,
as they know it's the only way evil can remain in power.
>My comments are contingent-upon understanding what "QND" is, if anything.
Shall we say Quantum Neural Domain?
>"diabolical training" is =not= the "fault" of the one who's subjected to
Of course; that's what I was saying...
>that such a one's behavior will, in fact, tend to reflect the "diabolical
>training" has everything to do with the "diabolical training", and not with
>the "diabolically-trained" Person inherently Is.
But who designed and imposed that diabolical training?!
>You see, it's "just" that the current "state" of "diabolical training" is
>accumulated haphazard guesses that folks've made during the course of
>and passed down to their Children... via, that's right, "diabolical
>that's =Indistinguishable= from anything that =any= group does with respect
>that with which the members of the group are merely-Familiar... there's no
>"separating" the work of the Beast on the basis of "group"-belonged-to...
>the =one= Beast, Ignorance, =always= in-there, doing it's Diabolical
>there's no "groupwise" overcoming of such... attempts at "groupwise"
>amelioration =only= =always= lead to Savagery.
>>Can you see it?
>>If not, check out =any= and =all= Wars that've occurred throughout the
course of
>History... you'll discover that their precipitating dynamics have =always=
>what've been "seen" as "good" by =each= of the
What I see and what I know, is that none of those facts are innate. It has
been inculcated as a synthetic reality by the minority in power in order to
exploit and excite those assumed feelings at concrete situations and
searching with it a cloaked aim, different from that pursued by the
manipulated collectivity. It's all a very complex and subtle montage from
beginning to end.
>Imposing "blame" on this or that "group" constitutes the Formalization, and
>tacit Codification, of =UnForgiveness=.
>>Where UnForgiveness "reigns", Savagery Dictates... =Always=.
>>And such is what you're proposing, Teodorico.
You didn't catch the point. They/you were taught to forgive their/your own
ennemies, and this has been necessary until now. 2000 years of forgiveness
has lead to a "reign" of the worse savagery. So what I am saying is that
these subjects are going to be extinguished on the day of the fury of God,
on the day of the anger of the Lamb and his Bride, and not for a personal
revenge. Call it final trial if you want. You may not understand what I am
talking about, but those rats do. It's about real Justice and retribution
towards Humanity and the millions of fair innocents grinded under their
bloody hoofs, including the own Jesus. There's no place for the inexistent
based ones in the Reign of God.
>Not knowing what "QND" is, on the basis of what you've written, I =can= say
>that, if what you've written does, in fact, accurately describe "QND",
"QND" is
>=not= a thing that can be applied to Biological Nervous Systems, as Humans
>posess, be-cause there's absolutely no "isolation" within any Biological
>Systems that I'm aware of... and I Know a "few" :-)
No; it describes processes externally induced which occurs at a quantum
level, in the inner structure of the neurons, so it's not related to theoric
states of the NS. Did you read the practical effects of it on the
testimonies reported by the women trained as covert sex slaves/murderers by
the government?
>> Subsequently, wavepackets that form in that domain will be trapped there,
>> and that domain will then develop a personality that is distinct from the
>> personality of the exterior domains(s). But the entrapment is not
>> Quantum tunneling...
>>"quantum-tunnelling"... "Good"-Grief! It stands =Proven= that
>"quantum-tunneling" is a False Finitization (AoK, Ap4).
Proven? At what time was that "Automation of Knowing" published? Classified
research is resorting to it at this moment, especially related to non-linear
effects. Anyway, it wouldn't be the first time they confiscate a theory from
public access.
>> What shall I say about Jesus...? I told already Peter that those
>> you cite, like "Love your ennemy", "Turn the other cheek", etc., were
>> by Jesus at a very precise time and personal affective situation --when
>> knew another oppotunity was to be given to pre-humanity towards humanity,
>> and the deep relationship with his spiritual Mother and his Bride.
>>No. There's =no= "separating" Forgiveness from Christ... Peter
>"Lord, how many times must I forgive, seven times?" Jesus (paraphrase):
>times seven.", which, in the contemporaneous context, connoted "endlessly".
>>To =anyone= who'd "preach" UnForgiveness, I can =only= repeat what Jesus
said to
>Peter when Peter "tempted" Jesus from Calvary and The Cross, "Get thee
>me, Satan!" ...the Realm of Forgiveness is "just" =that= Serious.
If you could know at which extent has the true story of Mary, Jesus, Ann and
Jacob been falsified be means of suppressions, wrong addings and involuntary
mistaken interpretations by translations of the Bible along the centuries,
apart from the global ciphered message of it, we wouldn't be arguing about
such things.
Peter was a hypocritical and mysoginist man (as well as Saul/Paul was); he
was jealous of Mary and Ann, he hated them, and finally betrayed Jesus as
all men did --except his spiritual brother Jacob, son of Mary and Ann's
brother. So when Jesus answer him about forgiving 700 times (or endlessly),
it was a way of telling him he was already condemned by God, and that he'd
better not make worse his situation by judging on others. This is why he
went on founding the false church; the real Christian church went guided in
the clandestinity by
Mary and Ann in what today is South of France, after Jesus' assassination by
the lackeys of the beast.
In any case, it's not a matter of unforgiveness (again). It's just the
destiny chosen by those who worship evil having the knowledge of good.
>> I mean, it obviously wasn't that kind of comments which converted him in
>> focus of the established power's hate.
>>I don't follow your "point"... the dynamics Begun by Jesus are Unfolding
>=still=... Jesus is =still= Creating all folks, everywhere... and
>that Jesus Taught is =still- in-there... Jesus's Teaching is timeless...
>no "point" at which any of its Validity "turns on or off"... it "just"
>and when one looks into nervous systems, one Sees exactly Why it's so.
It is not about on or off, but about distinct contexts. Some words were said
to be accomplished at that time, others to be understood at this time, and
others to be enjoyed already in the Reign of God on Earth.
Besides, it's obvious that he went tortured and assassinated by the
establishment because he was opening the ears and the eyes of the masses
with regard to the falseness and cynism operated by the political/religious
elites at that time. He was accused of subversion and heresy (sic!).
>> Even in the incomplete and imprecise
>> (sometimes by subtle manipulation) context of the Bible, some proof can
>> found about his counter-cultural and political doctrine.
>>Are you saying that The Christ was just some "rebel"... just some
>counter-cultural "radical"?
Not just that, but part of that.
>If you are, Forgive me, please, you are Wrong.
>The Culture into which Jesus was Born is that of the Jews... are you saying
>=anything= that Jesus Taught is pertinent only within the Culture of the
Anything? Where did you get that from? One part of his preaches is related
to the political/religious/cultural context of the Jews, and also to the
invader roman empire.
>If you are, Forgive me, please, you are Wrong.
>>God Chose the Jews be-cause the Jews were Prepared in their long
>tradition. Be-cause of such, the Jews were Prepared to Receive Jesus...
>lose sight of the fact that, right from Mary and Joseph through the
>=all= are Jews... Jesus's Chosen Culture is that of the Jews.
There is a great confusion about the carnal parents of Jesus, and Mary, his
spiritual Mother. Mary, the mother of Jacob and Ann (known in the scriptures
as John the Evangelist) -the sons of Thunder; Mary the Magdalen; Mary the
Virgin; Isis; Sophia... GOD MOTHER, Creator of everything which is. This is
what has been sistematically hidden and covered by the mysoginist temporal
religious male power. And even the once elected people removed Her from the
sacred scriptures as Ashera, the Mother and maternal Wife of Yahve. So
forget about that "long monotheistic tradition", which is only the
reflection of greed and temporal eagerness. All this is very long and
complex to explain here, but it is the sole truth.
>The Jews are the "clay" in which Jesus's Teaching is first "sculpted"...
isn't it so?
>So, "separating" out this or that from the Culture of the Jews,
>Questions Jesus's Choice... and, from such, one can =only= Diverge from
>Isn't it so?
Look: before Israel was Egypt, and before Egypt was MARS, which derivates
from Maris. Those who have capacity of understanding will get it.
>> No one from an evoluted point of view could deny that love by the
>> understanding of truth is the basis of the definitive Humanity era. But
>> prior to this, the combat against those who have converted Earth in hell
>> must be endured. You can't just sit there and say "love you ennemy" or
>> the other cheek" while they're are killing your friends, raping your
>> and at a turn of tearing the planet to pieces.
>"He who lives by the sword,
>dies by the sword." This one point is so-Important that Jesus Taught with
>respect to it =continually=...
He said "He who kills by the sword, expires by the sword". Anyway, I don't
rely on words transcripted and interpretated by men. Many of those documents
are well exposed as others needs deeper interpretation, but the true words
of Jesus are inside my spirit, which is the Home of my Mother inside all of
who recognize God through their souls.
>> The message of truth is being spreaded now, at the end of time.
>>Jesus Taught that we cannot know the time... He "just" said (paraphrase),
>the light lit", "be prepared", because "you will not know"... so we must
Work as
>if it's tomorrow, never knowing when it is... do you See that it's
precisely in
>the Work that "being prepared" entails that the Light Shines Forth "going
>to teach people of all nations"?
I tell you that time is over.
>> and I tell you that they will
>> perish extinguished as their owners will do.
>> Not directly by us; it's their own attitude towards life which will stamp
>> them out for once (and all).
>>A man in East Hartford, CT said: "Truth wins, one way or another, sooner or
>>It's True.
>>For myself, though, if it comes to such... Truth winning the "other-way", I
>won't be able to not Recognize =my own= Failure in such... and I Will
>ken collins
That's a result of the big inculcated lie: there's no opposites, just to
fool you all: evil and death does not exist as such, it's just a men's
fiction, because falseness does not exist. This is the real meaning of
truth. By the way, this is coded on the Genesis and the Apocalypse --written
by Ann being pregnant of Jesus.
Note: Hell! So was he a master of Latin at his time???
Thierry Mouton
Madrid, November of 1998