Hear radar waves

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Sun Nov 15 20:10:25 EST 1998

Got a ref? I don't have any spare time, but I can't discuss any of this without
first having studied it... I'm inclined to expect that, if there's such
"technology", it must be pretty-lame because, if there's a "perfect target" for
such, it'd've been me... and the only thing, that could be deemed to be even
remotely-analogous, that's ever "interfered" with my work has been my own,
"periodically"-occurring, Exhaustion.

I =have= had to "work around" all manner of "mechanical" harrassment... break-ins,
my computers being "raped while online, Savage-Lies being circulated about me, my
posts being "manipulated" in all manner of deleterious ways, and there's, Obviously,
been a whole Industry that's sprung up having the sole "purpose" of way-laying the
work I've been doing... and so forth. But if anyone's pointed EM at me, other than
Verified (and Documented) "junking" of my TV reception, which is more of a
Sorrow-thing than a can't-get-around-it-thing (the few weeks of clear reception that
I've had in many years were =Joyful= times to me), any EM pointed my way has,
clearly, been a Total-Waste, because, other than the Exhaustion which is
directly-attributable to Hard Work, Long Hours, and Sleep-Deprivation, there's been
no impact upon anything that I've experienced in the way of "thought"... I've always
just "thunk" about what I wanted to, when I've wanted to :-) ...the work's just
Hard, and when I go at it, I =Go= at it... "heaven help" =Anything= that would
"propose" to "interfere"... the "mechanical" cited above, etc., stuff has =only=
functioned as En-Couraging Stuff... redouble-my-effort stuff.

(If anyone "wonders", I'm a fairly-decent fellow, but such's "irrelevant", because
it cannot be that folks' Decisions with respect to NDT's Stuff be "influenced" by
"personality", so my online "persona" has been something that is deliberately
"calculated" to =not= "influence folks' decisions in any such way (yes, I'm aware
that some will be "turned-off" because I do so Choose to Guard Free Will, but they'd
probably not be willing to do the work necessary to get-a-handle on NDT's Stuff,
anyway, so in the end, my online "persona" Guards their Free Wills, too, by handing
them a ready, if pretty-Lame, "excuse"... I won't "argue" with them. If they prefer
Lame "excuses" to Truth, that's their Decision. (As is noted in AoK's Epilogue, "A
man has not time enough to spend his life in quarrels. [...] (paraphrase, Abraham
Lincoln)) this's just one of the ways in which I =Work= to Guard Free Will...
(Important *) I only let myself be myself in the Physical Presence of folks who've
been Open with me.) ken collins

jwill at pacbell.net wrote:

> Ken, being able to detect radar with the auditory system
> was documented in a paper published in the J of the Acoustical
> Society years ago.  The phenomenon itself never has been in
> doubt.
> The issue is whether the technology has been developed far
> enough to be misused by current or former government employees,
> or by common criminals (as in, computer hackers).

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