Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
>kkollins at wrote:
> : F. Frank LeFever wrote:
> :
> : > [...] I can reassure
> : > newsgroup readers that while this fellow is free to attend Academy
> : > presentations, and even to raise questions from the floor afterwards,
> : > there is no danger that he will be invited to make a presentation
> : > there.
> :
> : Let it be clarified, that your presumption of "danger" is =your=
> : presumption. ken collins
>> The word "possibility" might have been a better choice than "danger".
>> Eric Johnson
Yeah, that's the way things seem to me, "two"... not only re. the Group in
question, but re. all of "science"... it gives me such Sorrow to witness all
of this.
Anyone in "government", "science" and "journalism" who isn't aware of NDT's
stuff, by this late date, is so ill-informed that they've no business being
in Government, Science or Journalism... yet there's only the prevailing
See what I mean about the relative-significance of communication via verbol
symbols ("language")?
The Deafening-Silence Communicates Volumes, doesn't it?
Yes. K. P. Collins