> F. Frank LeFever wrote:
> =
> >
> > Truly pathetic.
> >
>> >
> > Just to cite one small example: while kccheng must find the direct
> > imput of photons into the periphery of the visual system "proof enoug=
> > for his simple mind (not knowing of the transduction to neural energy=
> > right at the beginning, i.e. in the rods and cones), what on earth ca=
> > he make of the auditory system, wherein the input is not in the form =
> > "electromagnetic particles" but in the form of MOLECULES beating
> > against auditory MECHANICAL structures?
> >
> > (Probably he'll say something he thinks is brilliant, like "molecules=
> > are made of electromagnetic particles"!)
> >I understand many have been working one it. But they missed it. I ju=
st completed the auditory system, and I assure you, no molecules are invo=
lved. I think you are out of date. Can you recall the cochlear microphon=
ic? <olecules there too? Perhaps you are the ignorant one!
> > Why don't you find a newsgroup with readers who are less critical, if=
> > you want to preserve your illusions of brilliance without so much
> > effort?
> I like cross swords with reasonable people. But please read up on all
> of it before saying anything againat me.
> > F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
> > New York Neuropsychology Group
> =
-- =
kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s