Nizar Hajjage wrote:
> =
> If memories are stored as electromagnetic particles, shouldn't we be ab=
le to
> detect a magnetic field arising from brain cells (eg by seeing if brain=
> samples attract/repel a compass placed near this sample?)
> =
> And shouldn't that attraction/repulsion be greater for adult brain tiss=
> than
> children's tissue because adults have more memories than children?
> =
> Regards,
> =
> Nizar Hajjage
>redsun at dsuper.netRe the above:
Once more this is a matter of degree. That there are electromagnetic
particles does not mean that a compass placed near a weak field would
move. There are countless numbers of electromagnetic photons in the
sunlight. But that does not cause any compass placed under the sun to
rotate. Hence, that there are no such gross detectable electromagnetic
fields does not mean that these smaller, weak forces do not exist. =
As far as an electromagnetic field around the brain is concerned, there
are these brainwaves being constantly detectable by electrodes on the
scalp surface. But once the brain is dead, its electrical activities
cease and its electromagnetic forces cease to be detectable by ordinary
means. There are also subatomic electromagnetic particles inside all
atoms, but can we detect them by ordinary means? No. The same with
electromagnetic memory particles in dead brain slices. =
> -----Original Message-----
> From: K C Cheng <kccheng at>
> Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience
> To: Nizar Hajjage <redsun at>
> Date: 14 novembre, 1998 13:11
> Subject: Re: request good review article
> =
> > I don't understand something. If memory was electromagnetically store=
d in
> > neurones, shouldn't an external magnetic field erase it, eg after an =
> or
> > after a magnet is placed near the head? Or is there another explanati=
> =
> Re above:
> This is a rather sound observation. However, the marvel of the neurons
> is that they can retain such memory pieces despite such ordinary
> measures to erase them. But, as the infamous CIA-sponsored Montreal Dr=
> Cameron was doing, with repeated electroconvulsive shocks, the poor
> patients' memories were wiped out: de-programmed, showing that with
> unusual electromagnetic efforts, our memories can be so erased, thus
> once more attesting to the electromagnetic nature of memories.
-- =
kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s