C.J. and Deano-
Isn't this supposed to be a moderated newsgroup, with rules to be observed?
Such as not dragging in unrelated topics (ie:religion)? How can I set a
"bozo-filter" (killfile) up so I don't have to wade through tons of this
dreck the next time I don't check the newsgroup for a few days? Thanks much,
Chris Fields wrote:
> Deano wrote:
>> Okay folks, this has gone just a little off-the-topic for a microbiology
> and neuroscience newsgroups. Go to email or take it outside (just don't
> forget to wear gloves and headgear, we ARE trying to be civilised here).
>> BTW, my bets are on Deano.
>> C. J. Fields
> Graduate Student, Dept. of Biological Sciences
> The University of North Texas
> Denton, TX
>> email : cjfields at jove.acs.unt.edu> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\oooooooooooooooo////////////////////
> "Giving money and power to government is like giving
> whiskey and car keys to teenage boys"
> -P. J. O'Rourke
> "Join the military. Travel to exotic places, meet
> exciting people, then kill them"
> -Anonymous
> ////////////////////oooooooooooooooo\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\