kkollins at pop3.concentric.net escribió en mensaje
>Because "all our nervous systems do", innately, is "strive blindly to
>TD E/I, they tend strongly to manifest a =False= heightened "evaluation" of
>that which is merely-Familiar... as they process information, they
>(blindly) become =Prejudiced= with respect to that which is
>This occurs "simply" be-cause nervous systems do strive blindly to minimize
>TD E/I. (I've discussed the fundamentals in prior posts.)
>But what is that which is "Familiar"?
>It is, simply, that which is most-often experienced.
>>The "intelligence" folks are "stuck" in the realm of their Familiar
>experience... they can't even think a thought that's not within their
>Familiar experience... innately, neither can anyone else.
>>And it's been this very Prejudice Toward the Familiar ("ptofa"; pronounced,
>"too-fa", like the sound one makes in expectorating) that has been the
>driving force in =ALL= of Humankind's Inhumanity to Humankind... look at
>instance of Savage Tragedy =throughout= the course of History, and you'll
>that it was this =one= thing that constituted its =sole= Driving Force...
>scope of the Tragedy resulting from the blind TD E/I-minimization, which is
>that Humans are innately-capable of, is "just" flat-out "mind"-boggling...
>rivers-of-blood Stuff.
>Seems a "nasty trick" that the Evolutionary Engineer would leave such a
>"Flaw" within the nervous systems through which folks manifest behavior,
>Wouldn't it be Nice if this one thing could be excised from our nervous
>>Yes, it would, because all the Ravaging would, simultaneously, go with
it... but
>it's not so "easy".
>>It's "just" that =ANY= "hard-wired" "solution" to this one problem would
>completely-eliminate nervous systems' capacities for Free Will.
>>But there =is= a "software" Solution to our nervous systems' Tragic
>"Flaw"... and that "software" Solution Derives =Completely= in the one
>that =Requires= the "tragic 'flaw'" to Exist in the "hardware" in the first
>place... =Free Will=... =Volition=... =Choice=.
>So, don't be too "hard" on the "intelligence" folks... they're "just"
>on Auto-Pilot... where they "exist" as Victims of the "Beast", Ignorance...
>I expect they'll "get-it" before too long... "just" Hope they don't
>Earth in the meantime. K. P. Collins
I think we should make a clear difference between two types of
"intelligence" subjects: the "slaves" and the commanders. In the first group
they're mostly brainwashed and programmed, many of them through induced
long-term traumatic experiences since childhood. By the contrary, the
commanders are perfectly aware of their criminal acts and executive orders;
I mean that free will is compatible with wickedness when belonging to
pre-humanity. When you truthfully say that prejudice toward the the familiar
has been the main driving force in all of known historical events against
humanity, a difference has to be made again between the majorities of
populations who blindly believed in the acquired perverted vital
coordinates, and those few who inculcated them in order to utilize that
people for their own particular profits --adding at the end of the
decognizant process a speech of fervent "patrioterism".
About the "slaves", It would be worthy to read the following stories:
And also check this interesting note from the quantum level description of
multiple personality, by Dr. Karl H. Pribram (from C. Welsh' Code of the
Brain book):
|B. Multiple Personality "Personality" is a consistent pattern of responses
to stimuli and situations. In QND, the personality of the stochastic filter
is determined by the locally homotopic mappings of experience onto the
neural domain and by the configuration of discontinuities between homotopic
domains. A conscious train of thought consists of a well-formed wave packet
propagating within the neural domain in response to the combination of
inputs from a number of sources, including the sensory apparatus and the
outputs of other domains at various levels of abstraction. When the
probability density corresponding to this wave packet produces an
expectation that does not compare will with the actual ensemble of inputs,
the result is a potential field gradient (or "barrier", if it is
sufficiently steep) that deflects the wave packet toward states associated
with less prediction error. Suppose that when the network's personality is
being formed, it experiences a deliberately consistent "diabolical" training
in which certain common experiences are interrupted with frustrating or
painful intervention. QND learning will encode the painful experience on the
trajectory so that it will be properly predicted as a consequence of the
prior experience. (Incidentally, QND learning models classical conditioning
even though it is simple Hebbian, because of the causal dynamics of the
Schroedinger equation.) Whenever the common experience subsequently occurs
without the intervention of the diabolical agent, the extreme difference
between the expected punishment and the benign experience drives the
conscious wave packet away from the states where the pain was stored. This
"avoidance" has two consequences, one obvious and the other subtle. The
obvious effect is that the deflected wave packet will generate an altered
behavior pattern. The subtle effect is that the neurons where the painful
patterns are encoded will be prevented from receiving enough probability to
allow the patterns to be corrected. Now suppose that the diabolical training
is "extensive", both figuratively and literally; that is, suppose that it
succeeds in placing other avoidance patterns into a geometry that surrounds
and isolates a large cognitive domain from the rest of the neural network.
Subsequently, wavepackets that form in that domain will be trapped there,
and that domain will then develop a personality that is distinct from the
personality of the exterior domains(s). But the entrapment is not permanent:
Quantum tunneling provides a mechanism for penetration of the barrier, after
which another distinct personality emerges.|
What shall I say about Jesus...? I told already Peter that those statements
you cite, like "Love your ennemy", "Turn the other cheek", etc., were made
by Jesus at a very precise time and personal affective situation --when he
knew another oppotunity was to be given to pre-humanity towards humanity,
and the deep relationship with his spiritual Mother and his Bride.
I mean, it obviously wasn't that kind of comments which converted him in the
focus of the established power's hate. Even in the incomplete and imprecise
(sometimes by subtle manipulation) context of the Bible, some proof can be
found about his counter-cultural and political doctrine.
No one from an evoluted point of view could deny that love by the
understanding of truth is the basis of the definitive Humanity era. But
prior to this, the combat against those who have converted Earth in hell
must be endured. You can't just sit there and say "love you ennemy" or "turn
the other cheek" while they're are killing your friends, raping your sister
and at a turn of tearing the planet to pieces.
The message of truth is being spreaded now, at the end of time. Those who
fought us and didn't know then, know what is all about now. There's no
excuse if they continue on the evil side, and I tell you that they will
perish extinguished as their owners will do.
Not directly by us; it's their own attitude towards life which will stamp
them out for once (and all).
Thierry Mouton