Now it's getting =very= "Interesting"... I was here in bionet.neuroscience after
6:00am this morning... there were 0 new msgs... so I poked around with the
cross-posted stuff in bionet.biophysics and bionet.microbiology... found "deano's"
post over in both those places... responded in both places... =now= I find
"deano's" post back here in bionet.neuroscience... post-dated to "2:48am"...
It's all so-Sorrowfully-Interesting. K. P. Collins
kkollins at wrote:
> Deano wrote:
>> > This line of conversation just gets weirder and weirder.
> >
> > >But what's the length of a "day" in God's Eternity? How can anyone
> > say=anything= with respect to such?
> >
> > It doesn't matter how long the day is, if you create one thing you can't go
> > back and then create something else earlier. Well you could if you travel
> > back in time.
>> Nope... folks at Fermilab have demonstrated that that can't be done... what's
> been referred to as "time" is a strictly-one-way affair (at least in the
> Universal epoch in which we exist... we can't build "perpetual motion machines"
> for the =same= reason).
>> > But why not just do things in the right order to begin with.
> >
> > >Be-cause I've traced the energy dynamics of our nervous systems all the way
> > up
> > >to Free Will, and have seen, with my own eyes, that our nervous systems,
> > through
> > >which we actualize behavior, are =totally= "in Love" with the flow of
> > energy in
> > >which they're immersed.
> >
> > I'm not an expert on the nervous system but I didn't realise that you could
> > trace individual emotions in it. If possible could you explain to me how
> > love works in the nervous sytem (sarcasm intended).
> >
> > Life Begun! at
> > >the moment of Conception, to the sweet "thunder" of collective voices
> > Singing
> > >God's Praise, to our final Hope as Life goes our of our bodies in it's
> > Joyous
> > >Rush to Join God... everything within us =Resounds= with God... why not See
> > >what's so Awesomely-Beautiful in all this rather than cast God in our
> > image...
> >
> > Look if you want to preach the name of Jesus why not go to a religion
> > newsgroup. This is microbiology newsgroup. Most of the people here have
> > never seen god under the microscope and I don't think that's gonna happen.
> > He isn't going to be sitting there next to a mitochondria!
> > Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to offend you. I believe that everyone is
> > entitled to their believes no matter how weird they are. But when these
> > people start talking about their religion outside of the subjects in which
> > it belongs, then that annoys me. Religion and science were never meant to be
> > joined (well maybe at philosophy).
> > So please don't use this newsgroup as a pulpit.
> > Deano.