K.P. the beast

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Sat Nov 14 07:25:00 EST 1998


kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:

> Now it's getting =very= "Interesting"... I was here in bionet.neuroscience after
> 6:00am this morning... there were 0 new msgs... so I poked around with the
> cross-posted stuff in bionet.biophysics and bionet.microbiology... found "deano's"
> post over in both those places... responded in both places... =now= I find
> "deano's" post back here in bionet.neuroscience... post-dated to "2:48am"...

make that 2:41am. K. P. Collins (wondering how much of this sort of "off-hours"
posting's been going on)

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