K.P. the beast

Deano deanwaller at email.msn.com
Sat Nov 14 12:33:43 EST 1998

I haven't been going around deleting anything! I'm not even sure if I know
how to. I have had some trouble with my postings so that might explain it. I
don't mean to "jump" your posts I'm just trying to reply.
(By the way the time thing was due to an error by my system clock.)

I'm not selectively editing your posts, I'm just showing the parts I want to
reply to. Most people in newsgroups find it annoying when someone only has a
little reply but includes the whole message.
(If I had attached your message it would have taken over 80% of this post).

You mention that it's been proved that you can't travel through time. Surely
god can do what he wants! If he invented the universe he must have invented
time so why can't he travel in time. I thought that god was supposed to be
all powerful.

You say that love is moving away from. What is it moving away from?
By the way I'm not afraid of Learning about anything even religion. When I
was younger I went to Church of my own free-will and then later when I was
older decided that I didn't want to. I'm studying for a degree in Molecular
biology so I can't be that afraid of learning.

God may be there in the mitochondria but only if you want to look at things
with the idea that god is in everything. And if that's the case lets not
forget that gods in AIDS and cancer as well.

I really did mean what I said about not want to offend people and everyone
being entitled to their believes.
Sorry that you don't believe me.

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