request good review article

K C Cheng kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com
Sat Nov 14 13:11:26 EST 1998

Nizar Hajjage wrote:
> =

> K C Cheng wrote in message <364B9030.B00 at postoffice.idirect.com>...
> John wrote:
> > Basically, memory has been finally proven beyond scientific doubt to =
> the
> > storage of the electromagnetic particles arising from, or generated b=
> > stimuli outside of the central memorineurons.
> =

> I don't understand something. If memory was electromagnetically stored =
> neurones, shouldn't an external magnetic field erase it, eg after an MR=
I or
> after a magnet is placed near the head? Or is there another explanation=
Re above:
This is a rather sound observation. However, the marvel of the neurons
is that they can retain such memory pieces despite such ordinary
measures to  erase them. But, as the infamous CIA-sponsored Montreal Dr.
Cameron was doing,  with repeated electroconvulsive shocks,  the poor
patients' memories were wiped out: de-programmed, showing that with
unusual electromagnetic efforts, our memories can be so erased,  thus
once more attesting to the electromagnetic nature of memories.
-- =

kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s

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