Hear radar waves

jwill at pacbell.net jwill at pacbell.net
Sat Nov 14 12:20:46 EST 1998

Ken, being able to detect radar with the auditory system
was documented in a paper published in the J of the Acoustical
Society years ago.  The phenomenon itself never has been in

The issue is whether the technology has been developed far
enough to be misused by current or former government employees,
or by common criminals (as in, computer hackers).

In article <364D14EF.91BC577 at pop3.concentric.net>,
  kkollins at concentric.net wrote:
> [I must make it clear, since my interest in this thread has augmented, that I
> not= believe in "hearing radar"... it's just not necessary... all one needs is
> "simple" Thermodynamics, and the Will to "pay-attention". Certainly, there's
> "more" that will be Verified, but I'm =not= addressing such in my posts. My
> in this thread are "just" taking advantage of an "opening" that Existed within
> thread... in the Spirit of "Never look[ing] a gift horse in the mouth." K. P.
> Collins]
> Harry H Conover wrote:
> [...]
> > Yes, and sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll are the technologies employed to
> > achieve this effect.   Raise entire generations on a diet of "MTV" and
> > such and you shouldn't expect a population of heavy in logical thinking,
> > let alone produce "rocket science" mentality.  :-)
> It's not people who've augmented Randomness... it's been the "Beast"... the
> prevailing Ignorance with respect to how our nervous systems process
> don't "get" your "point". ken collins

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           A Lark for Mister Bark!

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