This line of conversation just gets weirder and weirder.
>But what's the length of a "day" in God's Eternity? How can anyone
say=anything= with respect to such?
It doesn't matter how long the day is, if you create one thing you can't go
back and then create something else earlier. Well you could if you travel
back in time. But why not just do things in the right order to begin with.
>Be-cause I've traced the energy dynamics of our nervous systems all the way
>to Free Will, and have seen, with my own eyes, that our nervous systems,
>which we actualize behavior, are =totally= "in Love" with the flow of
energy in
>which they're immersed.
I'm not an expert on the nervous system but I didn't realise that you could
trace individual emotions in it. If possible could you explain to me how
love works in the nervous sytem (sarcasm intended).
Life Begun! at
>the moment of Conception, to the sweet "thunder" of collective voices
>God's Praise, to our final Hope as Life goes our of our bodies in it's
>Rush to Join God... everything within us =Resounds= with God... why not See
>what's so Awesomely-Beautiful in all this rather than cast God in our
Look if you want to preach the name of Jesus why not go to a religion
newsgroup. This is microbiology newsgroup. Most of the people here have
never seen god under the microscope and I don't think that's gonna happen.
He isn't going to be sitting there next to a mitochondria!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to offend you. I believe that everyone is
entitled to their believes no matter how weird they are. But when these
people start talking about their religion outside of the subjects in which
it belongs, then that annoys me. Religion and science were never meant to be
joined (well maybe at philosophy).
So please don't use this newsgroup as a pulpit.