Deano wrote:
> Hi,
> I just wanted to say that I agree with you completely. Science shouldn't
> have to be cross-referenced with the bible. The bible is just a book with
> facts mixed in with certain moral stories (well that's how I think of it
> anyway, hope I don't offend too many people).
> Look what happened when geologists tried to work out how old the earth was.
> They looked at the bible and worked out when the world was created by going
> along the family tree of Adam & Eve. They ended up with a figure of a few
> thousand years. If you try to tell anyone this now they'd laugh at you.
> Maybe in the future people will look back and think how silly some people
> were for thinking that the earth was made by some strange entity?
> Just adding my 2 cents.
> Deano.
But Earth =was= made "by some strange entity" ...what's "Difficult" is Seeing
"Consciousness" and "Volition" in that "strange entity"... but that's where, in
my view, Jesus "comes in"... I'm a Devoted amateur Neuroscientist... to a level
commensurate with the work of Newton in the old Natural Philosophy, I've solved
the nervous system as an information-processing system... I used the best
results that Experiment could produce, and was overjoyed when it all came
together... and when it did, it was flat-out Obvious to me that, 2000 years
ago, long before the Scientific Method was ever a glimmer in Gallilo's mind,
Jesus =Knew= how our nervous systems process information... and it's clear that
His Teaching is Extraordinarily-Loving with respect to such... He was "just"
saying, "Look here, see, this's how you work."
I cannot not say it, He is Correct... it's a real jaw-hanger... and that's
precisely why "The Strange Entity", commensurate only in Faith, has,
never-the-less, won a place in my "Heart". ken (K. P. Collins)