Neural division in Brain

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Sat Nov 14 03:25:47 EST 1998

I still don't have access to the article... expect I'll "let it go" for a
while... I've discussed the general thing in another thread. ken collins

Stephan Anagnostaras wrote:

> In article <364B7F4D.2340EECC at pop3.concentric.net>,
> kkollins at concentric.net wrote:
> > I agree. Unfortunately, I don't have immediate access to the journal,
> which is,
> > I believe, _Nature Neuroscience_. Cheers, Segundo, ken collins
> >
> No, the article IS in Nature Medicine. This study is essentially a
> replication of Fred Gage's work over the last few years in rats, mice, and
> monkeys showing extensive cell generation in adult hippocampus.
> Surprising, but true nonetheless. This has been implicated in learning as
> well; there were several new studies about it at this week's Neuroscience
> meeting, but the exact role of neurogenesis isn't well characterized yet.

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