Neuroscience and language

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Thu Nov 12 19:49:05 EST 1998

Another part of it is I'm just a clerk... one of the most-important things for me is to Guard
Free Will... "tlaking-with-myself" let's folks Choose, and no one can say anything, one way
or the other, except each person, in their own "Heart".

Where'd I Learn the Imortance of Guarding Free Will? From Christ... but the Need is
right-there in the biology, too.

As H. S. Rice said, "The richest gifts are God's to give."

I Agree. ken collins

Walter Eric Johnson wrote:

> kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> : kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> : And, since we're beyond that, now, right, secondly, I have earned the right to speak to
> : Science, Government and Journalism thus.
> How did you "earn" this?
> By the way, I'm getting terribly confused about something.  Was this
> your reponse to your response to your response to your response to
> someone else or what?
> Are you trying for some kind of recursive response record?
> Eric Johnson

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