K.P. the beast

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Thu Nov 12 19:22:21 EST 1998

Shaft wrote:

> I just recently started subscribing to this group. It's amazing how,
> no matter where you go in newsgroup cyberspace, this conversation
> persists. Will someone go back, read genesis, and tell us WHERE
> the account of creation PROHIBITS the possibility of evolution?

I agree with you there.

> Otherwise, shut up. :)

...gotta disagree with you there... I'm doing some things that're Hard
for some folks to deal with, and it's Crucial that I not abbandon them
to aimless "wondering"... I Apologize to you, but I have to take these
things up when they come up. The header, is "just" "two" much of an
"inceniary device". ken collins

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