Teodorico wrote:
> > jwill at pacbell.net escribió en mensaje
> >
> >You may cite any claim by the CIA that you want: It's the duty of
> >spies to lie to the public, so I won't believe it. They earn their
> >living by copying others work and lying to and about people.
> >
>> Claims by the CIA??? Come on!, how can you seriously say that I could be
> spreading their infect disinformation? It's not only that they lie as they
> breathe; it's that those reptiles are the incarnation of falsehood, and
> therefore they represent the anti-Christ, the anti-Creation (death and
> evil), the inexistent.
Teodorico, while I don't disagree with you as to the net effects of
"suppression" of Truth (quotes, because the "suppression" of Truth is
Impossible... as a man in East Hartford, CT has said, "Truth wins, one way or
another, sooner or later".), the folks in "intelligence" agaencies, be they in
the U. S., the "Soviet Union", China, or any other Nation, are "just" =Victims=
of the same Ignorance that has had all of Humanity in its grasp since the
Beginning. It's the Ignorance that is the Villain, not folks... each of us was
once an Innocent Infant... then, as we mature we all suck-in the
haphazardly-accumulated stuff that's passed as "understanding", and we become
filled with Hatred for anything and anyone that's "unlike-self"... the "spies"
"just" do the same as everyone else... but with somewhat of an Excess of
"gusto"... they've "just" been in the grasp of Ignorance... it's the Ignorance
that is the Ravaging Beast, not people... so the thing to do is to Establish
Understanding... and as such Happens, the Beast that's Ravaged Humanity since
the Beginning will die its Appropriate Death... leaving People with nothing
other to do than Love, Respect and Lift-Up one another... only "trouble" is that
there'll be a Hard Time in-between.
To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, "Nothing good comes to us without its first
having cost labor." The transition to Understanding will Cost a bit more because
it Requires "passage" through the "zone of randomness" (AoK, Ap4).
> [...]
> 'It was recently reported that the US government spent $3 trillion dollars
> on its nuclear program since its beginnings in the 1940's. What new
> breakthroughs in life science could have been made with all the money spent
> on death?
Yeah, that's a =Real= "Heart"-ache, I agree... look at what's going on these
days... nearly 3 million folks homeless in Central America, and what does the
unellected "intelligence" folks do with the U. S. Treasury? ...give $80 million
to those folks, and probably spend another $ Billion "dancing" with the Butcher
in Iraq... so that the Butcher can say to "his" (=not=) People, "See, there is
the Enemy.", and rally folks who share some familiarity with the People in Iraq
who =do= suffer greatly... Saddam's still waging his "mother of all wars", and
the U. S. "intelligence" folks are "playing" right into his dark-as-night
scheme... it's all the work of Ignorance... the work of the Beast... its Death
"dance"... I "just" wish the Understanding that's been available for two
millenia would be brought to bear =sooner= than later... 'cause, there's that
thing about Truth always winning, one way or another [ibid]... the only thing is
that it's the =one= way that doesn't Crush us all... to Be =with= Truth, not
"apart" from it, thinking, "Look what we can do. We can make things any way we
want them to be. Ain't we 'powerful'?" Truth "just" flicks all such aside as the
Nothingness that it is. ken collins