In article <72d18d$loi$1 at>,
"Teodorico" <jpmouton11 at> wrote:
>> > jwill at escribió en mensaje
> >
> >You may cite any claim by the CIA that you want: It's the duty of
> >spies to lie to the public, so I won't believe it. They earn their
> >living by copying others work and lying to and about people.
> >
>> Claims by the CIA??? Come on!, how can you seriously say that I could be
> spreading their infect disinformation? It's not only that they lie as they
> breathe; it's that those reptiles are the incarnation of falsehood, and
> therefore they represent the anti-Christ, the anti-Creation (death and
> evil), the inexistent. But the technology handled by the maniacs is,
> unfortunately, true.
> ...
Well, this is a little much, for me. I am sure their feet smell,
Did you know, as of a year or so ago, they were said to employ
50,000? That's about $5 billion/yr, minimum, not counting any
technology--just reasonable salary + overhead.
With 50,000 "high-level" advisers, no wonder our poor President
gave up and started doing something he could understand!
Now, with ONE good adviser, he wouldn't have done it and
wouldn't have gotten caught!
> ________
>> T. Mouton
A Lark! A Lark!
A Lark for Mister Bark!
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