I only caught-up with you as I transitioned from sleeping-Consciousness
to waking-Consciousness this day... your Surmise is Correct... it's
Fitting that my Understanding of your post happened on this Veteran's
Day... it's what I'm doing... Remembering and Honoring those who've Gone
Before me... 'Veterans' in Humanity's Long-Struggle for Understanding...
some Gave their 'Blood'... but all Gave their Lives... and their
'Hearts'... and, in my Upside-Down-and-Backwards Way, I Celebrate Them,
as I continue to do what must be done, which is what you've, Correctly,
Surmised. Cheers, 'Savannah Hunter', ken collins
An "aside":
"Thought for Today"(tm), Thu, 5Nov98:
"'Among these things but one thing seems certain -- that nothing certain
exists, and that nothing is more pitiable or more presumptuous than
man.' Pliny the Elder, Roman scholar (A.D. 23-A.D.79)"
"Reflection For The Day"(tm), Sat, 11Nov98:
"'What sense of security in an old book which time has criticized for
"Thought for Today"(tm), Fri, 6Nov98:
"'Under pressure, people admit to murder, setting fire to the village
church or robbing a bank, but never to being bores.' Elsa Maxwell,
American socialite (1883-1963)"
"Reflect" a bit...
As it has in the past, my Mother's rose bush, at my Childhood home,
bloomed again, for her Birthday this year, in November... this year,
there were two blossoms, struggling to be born... I took my Penknife...
the one that Mom, Loving-Courage 'til the end, Retrieved for me... and
cut the blossoms last Saturday, which was her 88th birthday... giving
one to my Father, and keeping one for myself... encased in a Killing
frost, they'd lost their struggle to be born...
"Reflect" a bit. K. P. Collins
Savannah Hunter wrote:
> Savannah wrote:
>> Is there an electronic device into which
> I can upload and therefore preserve
> my "conciousness", my "awareness
> of my own existence" before I die.