Nolarbeit Theory Journal: 13 NOV 1978 (Request For Discussion)

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Tue Nov 10 07:30:54 EST 1998

This evening at Vaierre I am trying to do some more work on bring-
ing the whole Nommultic system together out of the various compo-
nents.  I am trying to attach the language-work of last year to
the recent overview of an experiential and motor system.

I am beginning to suspect that I don't need a centrally located,
pyramidal-type language decoder with the "ultimate-tags" as denom-
inated on 1.OCT.1977.  It looks like it may work just to let the
known and recognizable words exist in the vastly long "pipeline"
of auditory memory.

Idea of the moment: Node-slices could be kept thin and compact by
having just axons within the slice.  Then cell bodies could be ar-
ranged in tiers above the "pipeline."  Who knows, maybe "carrier"
neurons could send their axons lengthwise through the pipe, while
"nodular" neurons would introduce perpendicular axons.  A single
such perpendicular cell might be able to have many, many "yes-or-
no" synapses within a slice.  In fact, such a perpendicular cell,
or groupings of them, might CONSTITUTE THE VERY ACTUAL ASSOCIA-
TIVE TAG.  But you sure would have to have flat synaptic branch-
ing from a cell body.

I am beginning to realize lately how passive the experiential
side and how active the motor side must be. I suppose the habitu-
ation and learning mechanisms must all be on the motor side.  The
whole perceptual and passive apparatus exists just to serve the
motor side in its decision-making deliberations.

I've had a possible insight tonight on how the motor mind may per-
haps reflect on things: through variation by the aid of engram
fatigue.  When the motor mind first associates towards a passive
memory, such as a visual image slice, the following scenario may
take place.  The accessed image has been fetched through its as-
sociative tag.  The nodular image slice becomes "energized" with-
in the visual "pipeline."  Up and down the pipeline, similar im-
ages become stimulated.  One such image wins out and is the first
to send out a signal over its own associative tag.  This signal
keeps the associative process rolling.  It may evoke further in-
formation from any perceptual sense or from language-memory.  At
any rate, the consciousness has accessed visual memory and has
had a certain output.  Now here's where "engram fatigue" or "neu-
ron fatigue" enters in.  The motor mind may get shunted back to
the same original visual memory slice.  In this second instance,
however, the fatigue of the formerly first responding engram may
allow a competing different engram to respond, with the process
being repeated many times over.  Thus the same neuronal input can
yield a wide variety of successively different outputs.

You know, it may be that verbal thought really does take place in
the passive experiential auditory pipeline, and that each word or
grammar-ending just always happens to have a habituated motor se-
quence attached to it.  So that when we feel we are hearing our
own verbal thought, we are really just remembering what it sound-
ed like when we formerly spoke each sound.  Likewise if we pro-
nounce in our minds a seen combination of alphabetic letters, we
are quickly just joining together the remembered motor sounds of

I guess we have to have pipeline word-decoding, or else there
could never be any variations from a strictly spoken standard for
a word.

http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/ The Cyborg Syllabus
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/ Project Mentifex (Mindmaker)

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