In article <eQ0Mg93C#GA.285 at upnetnews05>, "Savannah Hunter"
<Savan at> wrote:
> Savannah wrote:
>> Is there an electronic device into which
> I can upload and therefore preserve
> my "conciousness", my "awareness
> of my own existence" before I die.
Preserve your *thoughts* in one or several CDs or Videos, would be
possible, as I'm sure you already know, but it would be the same as
putting up a journal.
Where *conciousness* is concerned I don't think we are THAT far from
registering conciousness in a PET Scan, but then again, even if we manage
to record it, how would it be converted into language?
*Awareness*, sorry although I'm a very down to earth person, my hopes in
science don't go that far.
Mario Treglia
Tha Hell With God,
All I want is Peace