Spectacular Meteor Shower

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Mon Nov 9 22:32:41 EST 1998


kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:

> [...] I "don't care" about the Plagerism, nor will I ever care about such... from the
> beginning, I did the work as a =Gift= to the Children.

Don't misconstrue what I've said. I Honor Truth... I once Chose to go to Prison (until
my "fine" could be paid), be-cause the folks who "testified" against me committed
Perjury after Perjury. Although the "judge" had given me "probation", and I could've
walked out of Court a "free" man, I refused to accept this "decision"... (at the start
of the procedings, being aware of what was likely to happen, I went before the "judge"
and asked him to enter into the trial record the Judicial consequences of Perjury... a
Felony, up to 5 years Imprisonment). After the Perjury upon Perjury took place, the
only Honorable thing to do was to separate myself from the decision, and go to Prison
myself, so as not to co-operate with the Perjury..

I =Honor= Truth. Period... so don't misconstrue my prior remarks. I'm =was not= "making
light" of Plagerism. Plagerism is reprehensible stuff.

It's "just" that, since it's been my work that's been Plagerized, I can Forgive such as
long as my doing so does not Dishonor Truth.

There's a bit more to it though. There are millions of people who have been
greatly-Hurt because folks Chose to "borrow" my work without caring about those who'd
suffer because they Chose not to communicate the Science's Worth with respect to those
who Suffer-Greatly.

I can do nothing in the face of the Horror of such, except to continually redouble my
efforts to get the Understanding Communicated. I've given up everything that I can,
=not= because I'm, somehow, "unworthy", but because I was aware that because folks who
put profits above Humanity, would be so terribly-tempted by the 12-digit
"profit"-ability of the things I developed. Although I've witnessed their "borrowing",
I've Chosen, as best I could, to "turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and give 'em
my shirt, too".

But I =stand with= all those who suffer greatly because the Science has been withheld
from them. On their behalves, I =cannot=, and =will not= relent. The Imprisonment of
the Understanding by "science" and "scientists"... the Imprisonment of Truth, itself...
=Must= be at an end.

Who will allow me to publish Neuroscientific Duality Theory?

Or, who will publish it, with =all= of its caring-for-the-Children Stuff intact, in my


> So it's for Science to stop Dictating folks' Decisions to them... Give folks back
> their Free Wills. Honor them by Honoring their Choice.

...and by doing what Science Professes to do... =communicate= verified Understanding,
with which folks can exercise their Free Wills.

> Anything else is from the Beast, isn't it?
> Yes.
> Folks aren't "bad". The Villain is the Beast, "Abstract Ignorance"... the absence
> of Understanding of how our nervous systems process information.
> The Beast has Ravaged us long enough. Who, in Science or other field of endeavor...
> wants to be a Dragon-Slayer?
> Explore all of the information, and all of its Ramifications, and Decide in your
> own good "Hearts".
> What I've seen with my own eyes has led me to my own Decision... I will Honor
> Truth. K. P. Collins

K. P. Collins

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