Hear radar waves

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Mon Nov 9 23:30:48 EST 1998

Thanks for taking the time to Teach me, Harry. Cheers, ken collins

Harry H Conover wrote:

> kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> : I've not posted much in this thread, but some of what I've posted has been
> : prematurely-deleted. Please don't do this, as doing so gets things "jumbled",
> : especially in threads like this one that are cross-posted to other Newsgroups.
> : The effect is exactly the same as "quoting" someone out of context... both are
> : completely-unacceptable. K. P. Collins
> You might want to investigate how usenet operates in a little greater
> depth.  Posting expiration is determined by the unique setting of individual
> new server administrators.  Often, it's frustrating short, like 24 hours.
> It largely a matter of the disk storage space management on your local
> news server.  When newsgroup posts in a certain newsgroup exceed a
> certain defined quota, the earliest posts up to the operating limit
> get munged (deleted).  If some post following yours contains a large
> binary inclusion, this increases the probability that your post will
> become prematurely deleted.
> As a side note, this is why many of us object to anyone posting verbose
> binary files in text newsgroups.  One binary post often exceeds the
> space of 50 text posts.
>                                          Harry C.

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