Hear radar

Richard Herring rnh at gmrc.gecm.com
Tue Nov 10 06:12:08 EST 1998

In article <Alan.Peake.131.004801FD at dsto.defence.gov.au>, Alan Peake (Alan.Peake at dsto.defence.gov.au) wrote:

> Never heard of an OTH missile system But an OTH surveillance radar certainly 
> uses longer waves than centimetric radar. The point I questioned was how 
> "nanotech" (or any other "tech") can reduce the size of a phased array 
> to give the same performance at the same frequency. 
> If it can be done, I'd love to know - it would make my fortune!!

What we *should* be asking these guys for is technology that will make 
centimetric or millimetric radio waves curve over the horizon the way
HF radar bounces off the ionosphere ;-)

No more unpredictable ionosphere to model in real time...

Richard Herring      | <richard.herring at gecm.com> 

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