Info on treatment of Child (9.yo.) with ADD - Ritalin etc..?

Ronald J. Bartle snuffy at snafu.de
Mon Nov 9 10:28:20 EST 1998

I would be gratefull - (informed/aware consumer/parent) to hear your
proffesional opinion on the best way to treat/cope with ADD in an
intelligent 9y.o. child especially re. the use of Ritalin - side effects
- usual dosages. Up/Downside of argument etc.

Also an tips for resources on the WWW considering the clinical and
pedag. apsects of copeing as a single father with a child apparently
with this disorder.

Thanks in advance.

Your answers prefered as email... thanks.

ron bartle

 Ron Bartle -       Royal Air Force Veteran -     Hobby Journalist
 http://www.snafu.de/~snuffy -24h wired Bed & Breakfast in Berlin,
 Germany. Remove "no-spam" to reply. snuffy at no-spam.snafu.de
 fon:+49.30.6884295 fax:+49.89.66617.23554

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