In article <36466308.0 at>, "Ray Scanlon" <rscanlon at> wrote:
>>>Terry Smith wrote in message <118_9811061943 at>...
>>> From: "Ray Scanlon" <rscanlon at>
>>> Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 15:33:25 -0500
>>>>Your `argument' is merly an assertion, and by no stretch of the
>>imagiantion a *scientific* argument. This being so, your proposing it as a
>>suitable topic of discussion in a science forum, together with the lack of
>>any method of testing, any supporting data, or even a hint as to how such
>>data may be gathered, isn't merely ineptitude personified, but an outright
>>breach of netiquette.
>>>In discussions involving the soul (mind) there is no data. Informed opinion
>is divided on whether or not there may or could be data in the future.
>Chalmers speaks for those who conjecture that there is a possible future
>science of soul (mind). McGill speaks for those who think otherwise. I must
>say I stand with McGill.
>This group is not moderated.
And that is the advantage you all have of exploring
in any conciable direction, compared to those, who
claim to be scientist, "propoting" and "fostering"
the new ideas, while engaging in the grossest level
domination and opression.
Just go look at sci.prychology.consciousness.
The subject is tremendously significant, probably
the most significant subject in psychology, to the
very least, and yet, what you see there is about
3 articles per week or so. When it gets REALLY
busy, you get 3 articles per day.
Now, not only that group is moderated, but the
newcomer does not even know about it. How do you
know that the hell will freeze over before your post
will get through?
So what you see there is few idiots with pious faces,
discussing consciousness using the stone age prejudice.
Not only there has been no progress, whatsoever,
but how there can be?
You see, this main parasite of their, pretending to be
a guarding the ultimate truth, while interested in
nothing, but his own rotten ideas of "career".
So he is sitting there, looking at every post and
deciding, single handedly, that that post it
"not appropriate", and this post "IS appropriate".
So bassically you have a little fat parasite from
department of ideological affairs of KGB, throwing
ANY ideas, that don't fit his own ugly definitions,
based on theory of sucking, right into the garbage can,
EXACTLY like they did in good ol days of that
"evil empire".
Now, the problem is, is that he is sitting in the
middle of free sucking werld, and the times of evil
empire passed.
Just go look at that artwork of one of the most
significant topics in ANY science and see if you
can compute what are they talking about, and if you
don't, then dont simply post to the group,
assuming your post and your opinion will get through,
as, first of all, you have to "register", get your
name on a list of parasites, allowed to suck each
other's ass.
Then, if you name is "approved" by the biggest parasites
they have, then you will be TENATIVELY allowed to participate,
but your participation is still not certain,
if the ideas you present don't fit the way that biggest
parasite "sees" the issues or considers "appropriate"
in the free sucking world of belief, you all call science.
Now, psychology is the science about the psyche,
psyche-ology, and yet, those little sucking parasites
deny the very validity of such in their ugly science
of ass licking and reducing the forever unlimited
potential of the human psyche to the functionally
"useful" operation of the machine, they all call
man. What a bunch of cunning little bio-robots,
knowing no limit of sucking blood of others,
trying to control EVERYTHING, exploit EVERYTHING to
THEIR parasitic "advantage", knowing nothing that
they are eating their own heart alive.
> If you are truly offended perhaps you should
>read only moderated groups.
Well, if he is TRULLY affended by the opinions of others,
he can just go staight to hell, his priest conviniently
invented for him, and get in line to suck a dead donkey's
>Those interested in how the brain works might look at