Hear radar waves

DK cooper17.spamless at xs4all.nl
Mon Nov 9 03:18:24 EST 1998

Don't yell at ME! I'M not the one saying this IS anything other than a
simple alignment for water molecules, although I recommend doing some
reading on the quantum effects part--it's interesting. Several people
repeatedly asked another poster for a definition of this water. I got tired
of seeing this with no adequate reply. I had just finished reading a book
with the requested definition in it. I provided. I won't bother next time.

jwill at pacbell.net wrote in message <721r0t$bfj$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com>...
>All Penrose seems to be saying, is that water behaves differently
>when it is in a microscopic container than when it is in a tumbler.
>Noone viewing gravimetric motion in a low-power microscope would
>doubt this:  It seems not unreasonable, granting statistical
>ordering by continuously decreasing screened field of any
>protein's exposed positive charge.
>Really, would you consider a gelled colloid, such as Jello, as
>being long-range ordered?
>Also, what does this have to do with hearing microwaves?  Are
>you suggesting long-range-ordered water might somehow allow
>matching of the order-length to the mw wavelength?  This
>would require transient conductive structures in water
>of up to centimeters--maybe possible, but probably not the
>mechanism for biological response.
>The organ boundaries themselves are structured on the order of
>centimeters, so, introduction of "structured water" might not
>be necessary to postulate the long-range permittivity
>boundaries required for biological response to microwaves.
>           John
>           A Lark! A Lark!
>           A Lark for Mister Bark!
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