mind/soul (blueprint??))

Terry Smith terrys at gastro.apana.org.au
Mon Nov 9 13:41:25 EST 1998

> From: Bloxy's at hotmail.com (Bloxy's)
> Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1998 05:28:49 GMT

Bh> In article <118_9811061943 at gastro.apana.org.au>,
Bh> terrys at gastro.apana.org.au (Terry Smith) wrote:
>Your `argument' is merly an assertion, and by no stretch of the
>imagiantion a *scientific* argument. This being so, your proposing it as

Bh> What?
Bh> And who are you, suckazoid?

Unlike you, I am someone who has studied neuroscience. I come here to view
discussions on neuroscience. I have been coming here since 1989. I rarely
respond to ignoramous trollers such as yourself, but, as you seem to be a
young chappie, I'll offer you some advice.

Fuck off. Some  of the people you are annoying have been using this medium
for over 20 years. They helped build it while Bill was still stealing his
first lines of code as a freshman. You may care to consider the
traditional and honourable tradition behind the 'Net term `Plonk!".

I will have mercy.


| Australia - Howard's '50s Theme Park. #

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