mind/soul (blueprint??))

Seth Russell sethruss at clickshop.com
Sun Nov 8 14:01:26 EST 1998

Ryan Holm wrote:

> [snip] ... but who says we can't learn from exploring beyond the
> limits of materialism, even if we don't know what is beyond
> materialism..

I think that the biggest problem here is that word "materialism" and whether
that word is making any real distinction that is important.  So that I read
your question:  "Who says we can't learn from exploring beyond the limits of
chiggyness?"  Now please don't give me a definition of "materialism" based on
the historical development of the idea - we would just get hopelessly mired
in words.  My contention would be that not only does this word mean totally
different things to different people, but it is not clear whether it means
anything very particular to anyone.  Guck!  Do we need such a word?

see Seth's Conjecture at http://www.clickshop.com/ai/conjecture.htm
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