In article <724mpo$q6m$1 at>, "Ryan Holm" <umholmre at> wrote:
>I know a soul can't be defined, and the truth can't be spoken because we
>don't know what the truth is..
No. Not because you don't know what the truth it,
but because it includes ALL THERE IS.
It is so complex and so multidimensional,
and you are so limited and so busy surviving,
that there is simply no way to know what it is,
it is forever UNLIMITED, and thus unknowable.
> but who says we can't learn from exploring
>beyond the limits of materialism,
Nobody. And if there is ANYBODY,
bring them here. We'll talk more.
> even if we don't know what is beyond
You don't need to know it from the very start.
All you need is the recognition of limitedness
of all the domains you know to date.
That simply pushes you into the next domain.
> if you look for something, finding it may not be the most
>important thing.. the important thing might be the searching part..
The most important thing is being authentic, genuine
and open to that, which you can not even begin to comprehend
and the moment. That is all that is necessary.