Peter Heckert escribió en mensaje <71t7gd$g6c3 at>...
>There are people which have an inbuild antenna. Think of telepathy.
>This people are NOT sensitive for EM waves.
>There is a very serious book ("Mental Radio" by Upton Sinclair)
>I have the german Edition ("Radar der Psyche") and it has a foreword
>by Albert Einstein, who happened to be a friend of Upton Sinclair.
>>However,telepathy has nothing to do with RF-transmission.
>Read this book, if you dont believe.
>In the early times of wireless communication they made all sorts of
>experiments to use strong ELF fields, for transmitting purposes because
>they had difficulties to make strong HF fields.
>If ELF would influence the body, they would have discovered it.
The soviets had known of these effects for decades, however in the West
there has been a suspicious interest in deny it until very recently. If you
read previous postings I sent these last days you'll find the non-linearity
effect as a key. Let's take as a reference the case of the "irradiated"
American embassy in Moscow again:
'Impossible, replied the State Department, the waves cannot break through
the blood-brain barrier, and thermal effects are so negligible that the body
would not be affected. Nevertheless, embassy personnel were indemnified for
health damage.
By 1979, at the latest, it was known that electromagnetic fields raising
body temperatures less than .1 degrees Celsius may result in somatic
changes. It was most surprising that such a trivial temperature rise was
having any effects, and even more astonishing that those effects were
Chemical, physiological and behavioral changes can occur within "windows" of
frequency and energy continua. One of those windows is connected with
navigation in marine vertebrates and with biological rhythms of humans.
Another is at the level of the human electroencephalogram (EEG), which is in
the range of extremely low radio and sound waves, around 20 Hertz. [...]
Let us cut the story to the minimum. The original model, according to which
the blood-brain barrier cannot be broken, was derived from the axiom that
electromagnetic waves interact with tissue in a linear manner. However, it
turned out that the molecular vibrations caused by a stimulating
extracellular electromagnetic field are non-linear. Utterly unexpectedly,
they take the form of soliton waves which can transfer energy along long
molecular chains. [...]
Significance? Extracellular disturbances such as acoustic or electromagnetic
bursts can be propagated across the cell membrane. In this, non-linearities
in molecular dynamics rather than chemical kinetics are the key. Put
differently, the 12-magnitude energy deficit is overcome, not by brute
force, but by the formation of solitons.
Visualize the brain and its environment as structures of waves, and assume
that shock waves create solitons. Then imagine that modern electronics with
their flexibility, accuracy and speed are put to work.
In addition, the range of resonances probably will be increased. Hence many
frequencies, and several options for the transmission of energy across the
membranes of brain cells may become available. This may imply that the brain
cells will be reachable diversely and flexibly, and perhaps routinely.
The discovery of cross-membrane coupling may be compared to the discovery of
oxygen in 1772, which allowed the proof that phlogiston, the supposed
element of fire, does not exist. Once the phlogiston idea was buried,
chemistry and the chemical industry began their triumphal march across the
world. [...]
The theory of cross-coupling was formulated by A.S. Davydov who, it seems,
published the first purely theoretical version in 1976, and followed this up
with a study on "Solitons as energy carriers in biological systems". By 1979
Davydov appeared to be linked to the Ukrainian Academy of Science. [...]
In the US, the pioneering work seems to have been done by Albert F. Lawrence
and W. Ross Adey, writing in Neurological research, Volume 4, 1982.
The Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich also discovered that
cell membranes can be crossed. Eberhard Neumann and Guenther Gerisch found
that a shock wave passing through an electric field may create ultra-quick
processes within the membrane, and that through such "jumps in the field"
(Feldsprfinge: this probably means solitons) senes can be transmitted and
cells fused.
There is a differential in the tension of the inner and outer membrane which
averages 1/70,000 of a volt. This corresponds to 70,000 volts per
(theoretical) membrane thickness of one centimeter. (The real thickness of a
membrane is 0.1<-8> centimeter.)
The discovery was made unexpectedly in the course of research on electric
fields in membranes and their impact on vital processes. This research
requires measurements of events lasting not more than one nano-second (one
billionth of a second), and it suggested that solitons generally increase
the permeability of membranes. Thus, new perspectives on genetic
"engineering" were suddenly opened. Moreover, it was possible to fuse no
less than 50 cells into one supercell with 50 nuclei and one single
membrane. We might as well forego assessing this monstrous novelty.'
(Dr. Stephan Possony - 1983, July) Excerpt from Cheryl Welsh' report Code of
the Brain.
Or, about synthetic telepathy, from Alexander Constantine in his book
`Psychic Dictatorship in the USA´, with some references from the "vanished"
book of Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado `Physical Control of the Mind:
Toward a Psychocivilized Society´ (1969):
'An "official" halt to PANDORA's excesses was called in 1970, but the
research had turned a historic corner and classified RF mind control testing
quickly became a military armed drugs, ECT, torture, brain surgery or most
other forms of behaviour modification. The CIA and Pentagon concentrated
their efforts on electromagnetism. Why the fuss? A computerized form of
"Biocommunication," the dream of Richard Helms, was tested on human within a
few years of his memo to the Warren Comission. The CIA had achieved direct
communication between brain and computer by the last sixties, and had
demonstrated in the laboratory that computer-assisted automatic learning was
possible by pin-pointing neurons clusters in the brain with radio signals.
Microwaves easily penetrated the head's protective shielding of bone and
membrane. Miniaturization of the receiver linked the mind to a remote
computer. Brain waves were unscrambled and deciphered, recorded and beamed
to another person--two way mental communication.'
Remember the work of Fourier...
Thierry Mouton