Terry Smith wrote:
> =
> > Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 13:37:22 -0400
> > From: K C Cheng <kccheng at postoffice.idirect.com>
> =
> > Not by too much. If we see how action potentials are the only
> > stimuli coming in to give rise to various sensations, we must
> > question what are in those AP to distinguish one from another
> > stimulus and therefore one sensation(colours, or sound pitches,
> > etc.) from another, and one corresponding resulting memory from
> =
> May I make an extraordinary proposal here, and suggest that *where* the=
> potential occurs might have some correlation with which parts of the
> cortex are stimulated by any cascade that follows?
> =
> Terry
> --
> | Australia - Howard's '50s Theme Park. #
Re the above:
This would require that different neurons evoke different colour or
sound sensations: the Law of Specififc Nerve Energies. However, from
comparative animal and human sensing, the ability of other cortical
areas to assume sensing for extirpated portions in young children, etc.;
the brain neurons have been proven by me to be multimodal in sensing. =
Pyramidal cells in the olfactory cortex sense "smell," but the same cell
type in the visual cortex senses colours, etc. Hence, the only way the
same action potential could carry in different sensations is for the
latter to be in the stimuls-specific electromagnetic particle form.
-- =
kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s