request good review article

Stephan Anagnostaras stephan at NOSPAM.ucla.edu
Fri Nov 6 20:53:02 EST 1998

In article <36410139.1B3F at postoffice.idirect.com>, postoffice.idirect.com wrote:

> Ying, Yang;, 7 wrote:
> > =
> > =B3o=ACO=A4@=AB=CA MIME =AE=E6=A6=A1=AA=BA=A6h=B3=A1=A5=F7=B6l=A5=F3=A1=
> C
> >  =
> > Does anyone know some good review article for studying memory in
> > molecule/protein level? Please give me some information. I ill very
> > appreciate.
> > =
> > I did medline search for several weeks, but I cannot find it.
> Re above:
> Review articles on memory at the protein/molecule level were very common
> earlier, in around 1970's.  However, since RNA was found to give =
> inconsistent results,  such articles are no longer as prominent. =
> Because molecules cannot account for memory and its necessary
> functions,  it would be futle to seek out such references.  Soon, my
> full collection proving memory to be electromagnetic particles will be
> out on video.  Now I have 33 hours of it, still counting.   Of course, I
> cannot prove it all on the web.  However,   I guarantee that I have
> proved it.  You can see some introductory articles  on my webpage, click
> on  Cheng Review I:1,  I:2, I:3, I:4, etc.  Hopefull, these videos can
> be soon out for public use.  But, it's a lot of work and it takes money
> to publish.  Please be patient.  =
> kccheng =BEG=ABa=B8s
> http://www.easyhosting.com/~kccheng

You're wrong about this, flat and simply. New protein synthesis is clearly
required for the long term stability of memory.  This is clear, for
example, in the CREB mutant mouse, which learns just about anything, and
then forgets it within a few hours. Plus there are literally hundreds of
studies examining the role of protein synthesis inhibitors (or RNA
synthesis inhibitors). In contrast to your claim, these studies are quite
consistent to the fact that inhibition of protein synthesis blocks the
long term stability of memory.  These studies are easy to replicate,
anyone who does learning and memory animal work can do one in a week or

Now as far as costing money to publish, this isn't really true either,
unless what you're publishing isn't worth publishing except maybe on "easy


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