Marijuana addiction?

Carol drcomet at utdallas.edu
Sat Nov 7 16:26:54 EST 1998


    Let me get this down in layman's lingo (or laywoman's to be gender and
politically correct - hah!)  --- marijuana provides a link that is missing
in some people's brain chemistry?

>activation "states", the Learning (development of activity-dependent
>microscopic trophic (growth) modifications) that occurs will be
>relatively-well with the substance-modified neural activation "states".

    Sometimes a person's brain produces a very small amount of or no
transmitters at all (ie serotonin, dopamine, etc).  Is that what you're
talking about?

    Personally, I never found marijuana to be addictive in any way.  And I
am one of those classified "addicts in recovery".  My brain craved other
substances that has been dealt with prescription medication.  Better living
through chemistry.

    On the other hand, my ex-husband continues to be "addicted" to marijuana
and it hasn't progressed to any other drug.  He's 52 years old and has been
smoking since his '20's.

>Thereafter, to the degree that the externally-administered substance is
>absent from the neural Chemistry, the substance-dependent micromods
>("Learning") will be relatively-less able to be converged upon. In order

    What you are saying is that Learning is less likely to be accessed if
you smoke pot while studying for a test and you're not stoned when you take
the test?

>To the degree of all such stuff, any Society's overall
>information-processing capacity is diminished. That is, to the degree of

    Not to mention rendering marriages senseless escapades ...  killer weed.

Neuroscientifically yours,

Carol aka drcomet
"the dr is in"

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