1999 AAAS Annual Meeting -- Anaheim, California

ctmunson at my-dejanews.com ctmunson at my-dejanews.com
Fri Nov 6 11:34:53 EST 1998

1999 AAAS Annual Meeting  --  21-26 January

You are invited to join more than 5,000 of your colleagues at the 1999 AAAS
Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition next January 21-26 in

**Register now at www.aaas.org/meetings/scope**

Meet colleagues, hear about new research, learn new technologies, network,
debate current issues in science, and explore the future of science and

More than 25 3-hour symposia will examine a diverse array of emerging issues
in science, technology, and engineering. A special 2-day seminar will examine
the impact of genomics on microorganisms, emerging disease, and biological
warfare. The Forum for School Science will examine how technology is
transforming education.

Speakers include Michael Crichton (writer, producer), Neal Lane (OSTP), Sir
Robert May (U.K. Office of Science and Technology), Carla Shatz (U.C.
Berkeley), Bill Nye (Seattle Public Television), Eric Haseltine (Walt Disney
Imagineering), MRC Greenwood (U.C. Santa Cruz), Rita Colwell (NSF Director,
designate), David Baltimore (Caltech), Peter Ladefoged (UCLA), Federico Mayor
(UNESCO), Jared Diamond (UCLA), Francisco Ayala (UCI), Owen Gingerich
(Harvard), Hiroo Kanamori (Caltech) and more than 500 others.

See the AAAS meeting web site for full program details:


Register now at special advanced rates.

American Association for the Advancement of Science Meetings Office
1200 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20005
phone: 202-326-6450
fax: 202-289-4021
Web: www.aaas.org/meetings/scope
Email: confinfo at aaas.org

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