Decussation's Topology

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Fri Nov 6 18:44:33 EST 1998

Frank, why not get together with colleagues, and select a "test" focus for
our discussion? There are some things that I'll only discuss in-person...
the rationale for which I'll explain at that presentation, if it ever

But if you come up with a topic, preferably, with a ref to which I've
access, I'll deal with it... just remember, please, all of my studies have
been with respect to global functionality, so anything you choose will,
necessarily, require a lot of discussion, on my end, that might seem, at
first, to be "irrelevant"... I'll tie things together, present designs for
experimental tests, etc.

If you don't want to select a topic, what I've got in mind is to knit the
core of Economics together with the Neuroscience (to do here what I'll have
to do elsewhere if I don't do it here... I'd rather do it here because
there's Hope that folks here will be able to follow the Neuroscience, and
that's unlikely in a non-Neuro place.)

Please think it over and let me know. I'm going to catch up on my sleep
this weekend :-) ken collins

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