Hear radar waves

steve_dennis at my-dejanews.com steve_dennis at my-dejanews.com
Thu Nov 5 00:05:15 EST 1998

In article <71qkf4$cgm at news-central.tiac.net>,
  conover at tiac.net (Harry H Conover) wrote:
> steve_dennis at my-dejanews.com wrote:
> : Sorry if I touched on too many topics at once.	As far as
> : water structure goes, I think that Dr. Gilbert Ling has been going at it for
> : half a century.  He has a web site somewhere out there.  Some of his
> : associates include Freeman Cope, who did creditable work during his
> :  and the father of large scale MRI, Raymond Damadian, M.D., who is also the
> : founder of FONAR corporation.  Damadian has successfully defended his
> : against giants such as G.E. and continues to innovate.	I don't think
> : Pauling's water clathrate theory of anaesthesia has taken off much.
> :
> Steve, may I try again?  Let's focus on "structured water."
> Will you describe the concept of "structured water" so we all can
> understand what the term conveys?  A list of people isn't really very
> helpful at this juncture.
>                                                     Harry C.


Here's a good example of the concept of biologically strucured water at
The paper is entitled:

Cytoplasmic Gel States and Ordered Water: Possible Roles in Biological Quantum

Steve D.

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