jwill at pacbell.net schrieb in Nachricht <71sqt4$th2$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com>...
>Thanks for some factual information, Peter. I assume it
>was not copyrighted?
I hope the authors would appreciate it,when this information is spreaded.
Why else would they have made this web-page?
I apologize for placing this large HTML File here.
I will not do such thing again.
I only wanted to make it easy to access it.
Also I want to apologize for using the term "paranoid".
If you read it in any of my postings here, please replace
"errornous" for it.
I didnt mean it in this bad way as it might have seemed.
In some sense all men are sort of "paranoid".
Im paranoid too. If I hear some rumours,I loose my nerves about those.
(Hope you understand my bad english)
However, here is a SCIentific newsgroup.
Science is dealing with theories but also with experiments and facts.
If there are new theories given,one must also give some way to
proof them, for example a well documented experiment.
Science is not dealing with rumours and literature lists.
Sciense does not left the decision about truth and untruth to men.
This decision is left only to nature, which is definitely NOT "paranoid".
So if you tell us new theories,you must tell us new experiments,
and how to do them and not rumours about experiments done by
somebody else.
So reality and nature would win. Nature is true everytimes,
regardless what men are thinking.
Best Wishes. Peter Heckert ph741 at z.zgs.de
Die Dummheit der Menschen ist die,dass jeder schlauer sein will.
Das hat einer gesagt,der besonders schlau sein wollte.